A few friends ended up canceling last minute and I ran out of time to make one planned dish. So the meal was missing some the "main dishes" we had planned. Namely - latino made enchiladas verdes and guacamole, as well as my version of mean green pizza! Those issues aside, we still had PLENTY of food. The scrumptious spread included:
Green punch
Green eggs and ham (spinach deviled eggs with cheddar and bacon)
Green fruit salad (kiwi, starfruit, green apple, green grapes, and avocado with a lime/mint syrup)
Pistachio fluff salad
7 layer salad
Green tea kimbap (Korean sushi rolls)
Broccoli salad
Diced honeydew
And now....the full spread together :)
As this was a potluck, I did not personally prepare all the food. So I apologize there are not the usual "recipe links" for the featured dishes. If something looks interesting, you can comment and I'll come up with a recipe for you.
While we have "green on the mind". Also check out the the following:
1. My favorite green song :) Love you, Kermit!
2. The following "green" haiku
A SaGE Haiku
Cannot stand alone
Must unite blue and yellow
Portrays hope and growth
By Miriam Lind (Embracing Optimism)